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August 2021, 08 Yunhui Aluminum Weekly Report: Weekly Average Price of Yangtze River Aluminum 07

Posted by: aliyunhuicom 2021-09-17 Comments Off on August 2021, 08 Yunhui Aluminum Weekly Report: Weekly Average Price of Yangtze River Aluminum 07

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Spot market

market Weekly average price Ups and downs
Yangtze River Nonferrous 19788 +222
Nanhai Nonferrous 20198 +260
Guangdong South Reserve 19930 +238
Shanghai Huatong 19848 +220
Shanghai Spot 19794 +226

Futures market

market Weekend closing Up or down from last week
Shanghai Futures 19940 -135%
LME electronic disk 2583.5 -14%

Inventory changes

Area Inventory this week Ups and downs
Domestic spot 73.2 -1.3%
Shanghai Futures 24.9564 -0.665%
LME 135.305 -0.255%

Historical ups and downs

In the past 14 years, aluminum prices rose 7 times and fell 7 times next week.

Follow next week

2021 08 Month 09 Day: China CPI, PPI Monthly Report

$(function(){ var sdk = new iyhSDK(); var end = moment().format(“X”); var start = end – 86400 * 180; sdk.getAlStock(start, end).then(function( result){ var data = []; $.each(result[“data”], function(k,v){ var obj = {createtime:moment.unix(v[“createtime”]).format(“YYYY- MM-DD”),smmld:v[“smmld”],shfe:v[“shanghai”],lme:v[“lme”]}; data.push(obj); }); var option = {grid: {top: 85, left: 56, }, animation: false, tooltip: {trigger:’axis’, }, dataset: {source: data, }, legend: {data:[‘LME inventory’,’spot inventory’ ,’Futures inventory’], right:58, }, xAxis: {boundaryGap: false, maxInterval: 1, type:”category” }, yAxis: [{name: “Inventory (0 tons)”, type: “value” , scale:true, splitLine:{ show:false,} }, {type: “value”, scale:true, splitLine:{ show:false,}} ], series: [{name:’stock inventory’, type: ‘line’, stack:’Inventory’, showSymbol:false, yAxisIndex:0, encode: {x:’createtime’, y:’smmld’ }, areaStyle: {normal: {}}, }, {name:’Futures Inventory’, type:’line’, stack:’Inventory’, showSymbol:false, encode: {x:’createtime’, y:’shfe’ }, areaStyle: {normal : {}}, }, {name:’LME inventory’, type:’line’, stack:’stock’, showSymbol:false, yAxisIndex:XNUMX, encode: {x:’createtime’, y:’lme’} , areaStyle: {normal: {}},}] }; drawEchart(“stock-chart”, option) }); })

Link to this article:August 2021, 08 Yunhui Aluminum Weekly Report: Weekly Average Price of Yangtze River Aluminum 07

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