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Recrystallization annealing

Posted by: steel world 2023-10-13 Comments Off on Recrystallization annealing

Heating steel produced by cold working methods such as cold rolling and cold drawing to a certain temperature higher than its recrystallization temperature, holding it for a certain period of time, and cooling it in an appropriate manner to cause recrystallization inside and eliminate work hardening caused by cold working. This heat treatment is called recrystallization on fire. The purpose of recrystallization annealing is to:
1) Eliminate work hardening after cold deformation to facilitate further cnc machining brass;
2) To obtain the required microstructure, eliminate internal stress, reduce hardness, and improve plasticity of the finished product after cold deformation;
3) Fully soften partially hot-worked steel. When the Axis CNC temperature is lower than the recrystallization temperature, it is called incomplete hot working. This type of processing results in incomplete recrystallization of the steel, with some work hardening remaining, so recrystallization annealing is required. The grain size of the recrystallized annealing structure mainly depends on the amount of cold working deformation, annealing temperature, and holding time.
The softening treatment of cold-rolled steel plates, strips, cold-drawn steel wires, bars, and cold-rolled and cold-drawn seamless steel pipes generally involves recrystallization annealing. Cold rolled silicon steel sheets are obtained through this type of recrystallization annealing to obtain different microstructures and properties.

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