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Specification for connection of rotary valve drive equipment

Posted by: steel world 2023-10-17 Comments Off on Specification for connection of rotary valve drive equipment

At present, there are two main connection standards for valve drive devices in China, namely GB/T 12222-2005 “Connection of Multi turn Valve Drive Devices” and GB/T 12223-2005 “Connection of Partial turn Valve Drive Devices”. These two standards were approved and released on February 21, 2005, and were implemented on August 1, 2005. These two standards were first formulated in 1989 using the ISO 5210 and ISO5211 standards, respectively. The 2005 new standard is a revision of the original 1989 standard, and the same modification adopts (equivalent) the new versions of ISO5210 and ISO5211. The two standards mainly specify the terms and definitions of valve drive devices, flange codes and their corresponding maximum torque, the size of the flange connected to the valve, and the structural form and size of the drive components. The “Connection of Multi turn Valve Drive Device” also specifies the maximum thrust corresponding to it. The “Connection of Multi turn Valve Drive Devices” mainly applies to the connection dimensions between the drive devices and for gate valves, globe valves, throttle valves, and diaphragm valves. The “Connection of Partial Rotary Valve Drive Device” mainly applies to the connection dimensions between the drive device and the valve for ball valves, butterfly valves, and plug valves. The two standard connection sizes are also applicable to the connection between the driving device and the gearbox housing, as well as the connection between the gearbox and the valve.

2、 The main differences between the new and old standards for the connection of multi turn valve drive devices are as follows: 1. The new standard adds a flange with F12 code, which can transmit a maximum torque value of 250N · m and a thrust value of 70kN.
42. The new standard has put forward requirements for the position distribution of bolt holes, that is, “5.6 Studs or bolt holes should be staggered and symmetrically distributed along the axis of the driving device, as shown in Figure 2”, and Figure 2 has been added. There is no schematic diagram in the old standard. 3. The new standard adds the content of Appendix A of the original standard to the main text, and the content (figure) of Appendix A1 of the original standard is used as the content of the new standard “6.1 can transmit torque and withstand thrust driving components” (including Figure 4); The content (figure) of Appendix A2 of the original standard is used as the content of the new standard “6.2 Drive components that can only transmit torque” (including Figure 6). The new standard has no appendix.
4. The new standard also adds the following clauses: “3.5 Flange code (the term was originally included in the annotation of the connection size table). 5.2 The flange connecting the drive device to the valve should use a flange with a positioning shoulder, and its matching size should meet the requirements of d2 in Table 2. 5.4 The minimum length of the thread connecting the valve to the drive device should be as specified in h1 in Table 2. 5.5 The outer diameter of the flange should be as specified in d1 in Table 2 (which is the minimum value).” In the above clauses, Figure 1 and Table 2 clearly indicate the provisions of Article 5.2 and 5.4, but do not specify that d1 in Article 5.5 is the minimum value. 5. The new standard has added notes 4 and 5 to “Table 1 Flange Code – Maximum Torque and Maximum Thrust Values”. Note: Changes in the above calculation parameters will result in changes in the transmissible torque and thrust values. When selecting flange codes for specific applications, consideration should be given to

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