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reactive wire drawing

Posted by: steel world 2023-10-13 Comments Off on reactive wire drawing

Reactive wire drawing is a drawing method that applies a tensile force Q in the opposite direction of the drawing force P at the input end of the metal wire and the drawing force Q at the output end.
The characteristic of reverse tension drawing is that the main stress state during the aluminum deep drawing medical led display enclosure process is a three-dimensional stress state of axial tensile stress, radial and circumferential compressive stress. The effect of reverse tension increases the tensile stress and compressive stress in the deformation zone of the mold hole, resulting in a decrease in the pressure of the metal wire on the mold wall, a decrease in the wear of the mold wall, and an extension of the mold’s service life. However, due to the increase in tensile stress during reverse tension drawing, in order to meet the requirements of drawing safety factor, it is necessary to reduce the deformation of drawing passes, increase the number of drawing passes, and increase the mold’s? Xiao consumption, this will offset or reduce the economic benefits caused by the reduction of mold wall pressure and the extension of mold life.
Therefore, it is reasonable to use reverse pull in the following situations:
(1) High friction coefficient metal wire edm services;
(2) High speed drawing, such as high-speed sliding continuous drawing;
(3) To achieve uniform organization and low residual stress metal wire drawing.

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