Aluminum Wire & Cable 2016 Exhibition & Conference where aluminum suppliers, wire and cable manufacturers, and a multitude of end users will meet in Detroit to explore aluminum-based wire and cable solutions for use in electrical applications.
Key topics on this year’s agenda include: Aluminum vs. copper market supply and demand forecasts,exploring the commercial feasibility of switching to aluminum wire and cables, engineering and development activities for copper replacement initiatives, new manufacturing processes and techniques to ensure reliable performance, upcoming regulations and industry standards for aluminum use in electrical applications, end user manufacturer case studies and making a successful transition
This exhibition and conference will provide a forum for all stakeholders from suppliers and service providers in the wire and cable industry, to electrical equipment manufacturers and global aluminum producers, to network and build cross-market relationships and to discuss the latest developments in aluminum for use in electrical applications for the manufacturing sector.
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Link to this article:Aluminum wire & cable 2016, Detroit, Usa
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