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pressure leaching

Posted by: steel world 2023-10-12 Comments Off on pressure leaching

Pressure leaching is a leaching method that operates at higher than atmospheric pressure.

The purpose of using pressure leaching is to increase the temperature so that the leaching reaction proceeds at a temperature higher than the boiling point of the leach liquid at normal pressure, thereby speeding up the leaching reaction and shortening the leaching time. Increasing the pressure allows gas (such as oxygen) or volatile leaching agents (such as ammonia) to participate in the leaching reaction at a higher partial pressure, allowing the reaction to proceed under more favorable conditions.

Under high temperature and high pressure conditions, some leaching reactions that cannot be carried out at normal temperature and pressure can also be made possible. Therefore, pressure leaching is an effective enhancement technology for the leaching process.

For example, when pressurizing alkali leaching bauxite (see bauxite dissolution), raising the temperature to 573K and the pressure to about 9.8MPa can complete the dissolution reaction in a few minutes.

In addition to processing bauxite to produce three characteristics of alumina ceramics, pressure leaching can also be used to process nickel sulfide ore, zinc sulfide ore, uranium ore and tungsten ore. Pressure leaching needs to be carried out in a special high-pressure-resistant sealed container (pressure boiler, also called an autoclave) or a pipeline leaching device, so the investment is large and the operation requirements are relatively strict.

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