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Rolling time, gap time, cycle time and rolling rhythm

Posted by: steel world 2023-10-27 Comments Off on Rolling time, gap time, cycle time and rolling rhythm

The rolling mill operating diagram represents and reflects the relationship between rolling passes and time. The random rolling time (T rolling), gap time (T interval), rolling rhythm (T) and rolling cycle (T total) indicated in the rolling chart are called the characteristic times of the rolling chart. The forms of rolling charts are different, that is, the changing patterns of these four characteristic times reflecting the rolling process are different. The rolling time, that is, the pure rolling time of steel, can be measured actually or calculated using the formula: T rolling = l/v (1) where l – the length of the rolled piece after rolling, m; v – rolling speed, m/s. Gap time refers to the time interval between adjacent passes, which changes with the specific rolling conditions. The rolling cycle refers to the total time used to roll a piece of steel (including the rolling time and gap time of each pass) and the gap time between two adjacent pieces of steel. The rolling rhythm refers to the time required for the unit to roll each piece of stainless steel (that is, the time interval between rolling the first piece of steel and the second piece of steel). It is the main factor that determines the output of the rolling mill.

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