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The function, capacity and type of gas cabinet

Posted by: steel world 2023-11-02 Comments Off on The function, capacity and type of gas cabinet

The gas cabinet is one of the important equipment in the converter gas recovery system. It is mainly used to store the recovered converter gas so as to supply users with gas with stable composition and pressure and qualified quality.

Its volume is determined based on comprehensive factors such as the tonnage of the converter, the amount of gas produced, the length of gas storage time, and the user’s gas consumption, that is, the amount of gas swallowed up.

Gas cabinets are divided into wet and dry types. Wet gas cabinets are composed of multiple sections.

There is a water seal between each section, and it is lifted and lowered through mechanical guidance with a lifting speed of 1.2m/min.

The dry gas cabinet is equipped with a rubber piston. The gas cabinet can float freely with the gas on the air cushion, and the lifting speed is 2~4m/min.

The OG system is more suitable to use dry gas holders: the LT system can use either wet gas holders or dry gas holders.

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