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Discussion on ideological and political construction under the reform of water management system

Posted by: steel world 2021-10-14 Comments Off on Discussion on ideological and political construction under the reform of water management system

With the continuous deepening and development of the reform of the water management system, the understanding of the Yellow River employees is constantly changing, and some traditional concepts are also being updated from time to time. Then, when the new and old water management systems are transformed, it is important to do a good job in the ideological and political work of the employees. Ideological and political work is a major advantage of our party. Its task is to transform people’s ideology and methods of thinking, and mobilize them. Enthusiasm. How should ideological and political work be done well under the reform of the water management system? In this regard, talk about the following views:

1. The reform of the water management system is inseparable from ideological and political work.
This reform of the water management system marked a radical change in the project management system that has been inherited since the Ming Dynasty. From the original single public institution, it is divided into three types of institutions: management unit, maintenance company, and construction company, with clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, and standardized management, to jointly build a new pattern of troikas that go hand in hand. This reform involves a wide range of people, involving a large number of personnel, and has a great impact on the thinking of the Yellow River employees and has become the focus of attention of the employees. For the Yellow River employees, it is a great challenge and test. The reform of the water management system emphasizes fair competition. It forces the majority of the Yellow River workers to have a ideological change, fully understand themselves, and treat the reform correctly. Only by giving full play to their ingenuity and showing their talents can they be invincible and win the competition. In the reform of the water management system, in addition to establishing and perfecting a set of operating mechanisms that are compatible with the reform of the water management system, the “software” of ideological and political work is also indispensable.
First of all, the replacement of old and new ideas requires a lot of propaganda and ideological and political work. Due to traditional customs, people have always linked the work of eliminating the Yellow River to the planned economy, and they are eating the country’s “imperial food”. To change this old concept, on the one hand, relying on the media’s policy propaganda on water management system reform, on the other hand, we need to do a lot of ideological and political work to understand the necessity, urgency, significance, and guiding ideology of water management system reform. , Principles, requirements, and specific goals, make it clear to the majority of employees. Through a large amount of ideological and political work, the majority of the Yellow River workers have eliminated the one-sided understanding and understanding of the reform of the water management system, and clarified the meaning and purpose of the reform. Without the hard work of ideological and political workers at all levels, it will be difficult to truly implement the reform of the water management system to the majority of employees, and without the understanding, support and support of the majority of employees, no matter how good the policy is, it will be difficult to play its due role.

Secondly, the establishment of water management system reform requires a lot of ideological and political work. For many years, due to the influence of the planned economy, people are used to waiting for plans, relying on policies, and living comfortably in a stress-free and non-competitive environment. Citing the reform of the water management system and the competition mechanism will inevitably lead to the adjustment of interest relations and conflicts between old and new concepts. In the throes of this transformation, a lot of propaganda and ideological and political work must be used to straighten out the relationship, resolve contradictions, eliminate resistance, and avoid fluctuations. , To ensure stability and promote the formation and development of water management system reform.

Third, to raise the Yellow River employees’ awareness of the reform of the water management system requires ideological and political work. The reform of the water management system is a new topic on the Yellow River. If all the Yellow River employees understand the connotation of the water management system reform and grasp its laws, it is not enough to propagate it. Only by carrying out publicity and education can the majority of employees understand and master the reform of the water management system, so as to give full play to the role of the reform of the water management system in the construction of the Yellow River.
Therefore, the reform of the water management system is inseparable from ideological and political work, and ideological and political work can promote the formation and development of the reform of the water management system.

2. How to do ideological and political work around the reform of the water management system

The establishment of the reform of the water management system has put forward new requirements and challenges to the political work team. Then, in the face of the transformation of the water management system, how can ideological and political work play its due role? How can we do a good job in ideological and political work around the reform of the water management system? The following seven methods are fruitful.

1. Be clear in your thinking. Ideological and political workers are educators, and educators must first have clear concepts and correct content in order to educate others. For this reason, ideological and political workers should always clarify two aspects in their ideology. The first is to clarify the political and economic situation and tasks in each period, clarify the principles and policies of the party and the country, and clarify the policies for the reform of the water management system, so as to grasp the general principles and general trends of ideological and political work, and make the work proceed in the right direction. The second is to keep abreast of the changes in the thoughts and emotions of employees, adopt targeted methods, carry out effective education activities, and effectively help them solve practical difficulties, resolve concerns, lay down their burdens, and face reforms.

2. Observe deeply. Ideological and political work has a broad mass character. To keep abreast of the ideological situation of employees in the reform process, discover problems and solve them in a timely manner, one must be good at observing their psychological changes, and always pay attention to the expressions of employees’ words and deeds, joy and anger. , Sorrow, joy and work emotions, through the external performance of employees, to analyze and determine the root of their internal thoughts. Once the root cause of the employee’s thoughts has been identified, it is relatively easy to treat the illness. Practice has proved that all the problems discovered by the leaders on their own initiative are more effective.

3. Thorough analysis. In the process of reforming the water management system, a careful analysis of the ideological situation of employees is of great benefit. The process of analysis is the process of removing the false and keeping the truth, discovering the essence of things from the outside to the inside. We must learn to look at the essence through the phenomenon, not only the performance of one moment and one event, but more importantly, we must comprehensively analyze historically, comprehensively, and make scientific judgments. What I want to remind here is that when observing people’s thoughts and behaviors, we must overcome the influence of narrow mindsets, because this kind of mindset often introduces people’s knowledge into one-sidedness and draws unrealistic conclusions. We must strive to analyze and judge things from the perspective of dialectical materialism. Only in this way can ideological and political work produce real effects and achieve the desired goals.

4. Feelings must be sincere. The object of ideological and political work is people, and people are the most emotional animals. Ideological and political work is actually the exchange and infection of feelings. Therefore, ideological and political workers must have an attitude of respecting, understanding, trusting, and helping people, and sincerely make friends with the workers. Even for those comrades who are backward in thinking and make mistakes for a while, they must be enthusiastic to help, and they must not be cynic. Because they are in pain and wandering, they are afraid that they will not find their place in the reform. What they need most is warmth, what they desire most is respect, what touches them most is trust, what they look forward to is guidance, and what they dislike is discrimination. , We should understand this mood and become good friends to help them. Such ideological and political work naturally established prestige among the workers.


6、方法要活。思想政治工作的方法是多种多样的,但从本质上讲可归纳为两点:一是摆事实;二是讲道理。事实是影响人们思想的基本因素,道理则是在事实和感情的基础上向人们提供理性认识,以真理的力量影响人的思想。摆事实,一方面是运用阐述的方式说明事物的真实面貌,使人们在事实面前相信你讲的是真理。更重要的是我们的领导干部和思想政治工作者要用实际行动,即人格的力量去影响职工,也就是我们常说的“身教”。“身教” 就是指在贯彻执行党的政策、法规,坚持实事求是,继承和发挥党的优良传统,遵纪守法,廉洁奉公等方面的垂范、楷模作用。人常说:“身教胜于言教”,“桃李无言,下成自蹊”,道理就在这里。


7、集体会诊,重点医治。多年来的思想政治工作实践告诉我们,集体会诊是解决疑难病症的好办法也就是避免错诊、误诊或出现会诊后遗症的重要一环,作为一个领导班子,要克服那种害怕、回避 “病号” 的不良倾向,要敢于会诊、善于治疗,必要时还敢“动手术”,这才是当前开展思想政治工作所需要的精神。在分析会诊思想问题时,应该适应改革新形势的要求,打破过去那种思想工作政工管的单一模式,根据思想问题的性质、范围、对象以及从有利于解决问题出发,要求我们探讨多种灵活生动的方式。在党组织的统筹安排下,充分发挥行政、工会、纪检等组织做好广大职工的工作,集体运转,齐抓共管,形成思想政治工作的合体。在进行集体“会诊”、了解职工的思想病症后,如何拿出准确有效的“医疗”方案,乃是治病救人的重要一环。有时候,虽然“病根”找到了,但没有好的“医疗”方案,也会影响效果。比方对一些“慢性病”患者,就要采取天天理疗的方案;对一些“重病号” 就要采取集中力量包干医治的方案;对一些“药物过敏” 患者,就要采取妥善可行的方案。




2. It is a long-term systematic project to establish a high-quality workforce that matches the development of the unit. To survive and develop in the fierce market competition, and to achieve sustained, healthy, and rapid development, a unit must improve the quality of its employees through education, maximize the potential of people, and increase human capital. In the big arena of socialist market economy and water management system reform, competition will become increasingly fierce

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